About us

The Company

BEER SQUARE is a beer import and distribution company, specialized in Belgian microbrewery beers. Today, it is possible to  find thousands of different beers in Taiwan.

Our goal is to offer a simple but strong selection of beers, a shortcut to find what Belgium does best. Or is it going to be what the World does best?

We will have to wait and see!


The Founders

BEER SQUARE is founded by two Belgian guys, both passionate by beers and raised in the beer industry, Simon Habran & Florian Janssen.

Their respective fathers, Marc Habran & Jean-Luc Janssen were already brewing beer together, in Belgium and Africa, with famous breweries like Stella Artois and Chimay.

The sons can count on the expertise of their fathers to select the best beers, not only by taste, but also by the quality of the breweries.

Today, Valentin Spoutil joined the adventure, bringing a French touch to the company.

Florian openned his own bar, but stays the biggest fan of BEER SQUARE imported beers and its best customer!

Visit him in Taipei at ANOTHER BRICK.


Win-Win Relationship

We see our relationships with our clients as a partnership. The goal is not only to add the beers on their menus, but also to create events, food pairings, and implicate ourselves in the promotion and development of their businesses. We believe in long term partnerships and mutual benefits.

Don't drink and drive 禁止酒駕,酒後不開車,安全有保障